Ayurveda is a holistic science of health and longevity. It teaches us how to heal, live a vibrant life at our full potential free from distracting symptoms and disease, and improve our quality of life, longevity and youthfulness. Ayurveda treats both the body and mind, and includes diet and lifestyle guidance, use of herbs, and bodywork treatments to nurture your optimum state of wellness.
Ayurveda offerings
*All treatments are contraindicated during menstrual flow
Questions and Scheduling
If you have any questions about the treatments and which approach is best for you, or to schedule your consultation or treatment, contact Kelsey at 780-267-7419 or info@illumineayurveda.com
Health Consultations
Health consultations help uncover your unique and most direct path to optimal health, naturally.
Through understanding the stressors and imbalances in your body and mind that have led to nagging symptoms or disease, Ayurveda guidance brings you back to your natural state of well-being with a great feeling body and stress-free mind. Consultations are an in-depth process of understanding your current state so we can start to improve it in sustainable, impactful ways. Guidance includes education on balanced living unique to you, dietary guidelines to meet your health goals, use of herbs, and recommendations for bodywork treatments that assist to restore balance to your body organs, systems, and tissues as well as to your mind.
Health consultations are also suitable for healthy individuals wanting to learn how to conserve, protect and maintain the health that they have through life transitions and the ageing process.
75 mins initial consultation - $200
45 mins followup - $150
30 mins followup - $100
Marma therapy is a holistic, whole body treatment that uses gentle holding of marma points (energetic points) on the body to restore balanced function to the entire body and mind. Working with marma points brings healing, relaxation, rejuvenation, pain relief, and stress relief. They are one of the most restorative treatments in Ayurveda, and one of the most direct ways to harmonize the essential flow in the body and mind..It soothes the nervous system, relieves physical tension, promotes circulation, awakens the cellular intelligence so the body can utilize it’s innate healing capacity, and improves concentration, sleep and digestion - among many other benefits!
Full body marma (head, face, hands and feet) - 60 mins - $120
Marma point facial add-on - 10 mins - additional $15
The facial marma includes points on the head and face that impact the health of the entire body. These points ease facial tension which reduces wrinkles and improves the youthful look of the face, and also therapeutically support the brain, calm the mind, enhance sleep, creativity, intelligence, and a sense of feeling settled, and help in easy transitions in our bodies (menstrual cycles, menopause) and life (changes, loss). This sequence includes points that improve the respiratory system, sinuses, lungs, kidney function, water retention, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, eyesight, ear health, nerve function in the face and head, condition of the teeth and gums, digestion, and that promote courage and strength.
30 mins - $60
Ayurvedic facials are 100% natural and deeply nourishing. They restore the skin to vibrancy and radiance. They’re great for regular luxurious indulgence, as well as revitalizing after travel, or when tired or stressed. The facial marma points (and all their amazing benefits) are included in the process of the facial.
The facial includes:
Cleansing to remove impurities that have collected in the skin
Abhyanga (oil massage) to enhance the suppleness of the facial skin, relax the mind and body, relieve tension (and decrease wrinkling!), and improve circulation
Herbal steam to invite deeper penetration of the oil, which reduces wrinkles and smooths the facial skin, hydrate the skin, reduce spots, and reduce pigmentation issues
Face scrub to remove impurities and improve circulation
Lepa (face mask) to nourish and stimulate the skin at a deeper level, and address skin issues like discoloration, acne, or redness on the skin
Toning to refresh and vitalize
Moisturizer to send you off with soft, smooth, protected skin
60 mins - $150
This treatment begins with a 30 minute facial marma followed by 15 minutes of nourishing herbal oil applied to the scalp (shiroabhyanga). This treatment is one of the best ways to calm the mind, improve sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety. It also improves hair growth and quality and strengthens the sense organs in the head - improving vision, hearing, taste, and smell. This is a great treatment to have whether you have hair or not!
Oil therapies are contraindicated when ama (metabolic toxins) are present. See **below for details
45 mins - $115
Taking care of the feet is detoxifying, relaxes the entire body, relieves stress, improves energy, vitality, and vision, and supports healthy sleep patterns.
The pada soundaryam includes:
Foot soak to refresh the veins, arteries and marma points (energetic points) on the feet, support energy flow, reduce insomnia and excess heat from the body, and remove fatigue and tiredness.
Pada abhyanga (foot massage with oil) and marma points to reduce headaches, pain, anxiety and stress, improve strength of mind and organs like liver, bladder, kidney and gallbladder, and improve lymph flow, thyroid function, asthma, respiratory issues, eyestrain and digestion. The points also help counter exhaustion and improve circulation to the feet, and balance the prostate, cervical area, menstrual cycle, and reproductive system.
Kansa wand massage to remove excess heat and inflammation from the body, strengthen the eyes, improve collagen production, calm, relax, enhance sleep, and balance energy.
Foot lepa (mask) to remove impurities, increase circulation and rejuvenate the feet.
60 mins - $150
Hand Treatment Add-on
Hand Treatment includes an herbal cuticle soak, hand massage with herbal oil, and gentle scrub.
Add a 20 minute hand treatment to any treatment for $30
Hands and Feet Add-on
Hands and Feet Treatment includes working the oil into the hands and feet which stimulates the calming response, ignites the bodies healing capacity, and improves state of mind, energy levels, and sleep.
Oil therapies are contraindicated when ama (metabolic toxins) are present. See **below for details
Add a 20 minute warm herbal oil application to hands and feet to any treatment for $50
Localized basti is a powerful treatment that focuses the healing nature of oil and herbs on a particular area of the body. The healing happens with warmth, weight, and duration of time the basti is held. The basti begins with oil application to the head, ears, hands, feet, and area where the basti will be placed. A dough dam will be placed on the skin and warm herbal oil will be applied into the dam, where it will sit for 15 - 20 minutes. The basti’s provide lubrication, nourishment, energetic movement, and increased circulation at the sites they are placed.
Hrid basti: Heart basti (front or backside of the heart)
This is excellent for soothing emotions, grief and sadness, chest tightness, restricted breathing, collapsed chest posture, pains in the chest region, respiratory issues, and cardiac issues. It increases positivity, feelings of expansiveness, and peace. It strengthens the muscles around the chest and diaphragm and calms stress and anxiety.
Netra basti: Eye basti
This is excellent for reducing tension headaches and migraines, soothing dry and itchy eyes, improving vision, increasing concentration, relieving eye strain and twitching, smoothing wrinkles around the eyes, allergy relief, reducing dark circles, strengthening the eyes, and reducing redness, eye pain, blurry vision, and thinning eyelashes.
Kati basti: Low back basti
This is excellent for strengthening the nerves and muscles in the low back, relieving strain and tension, improving flexibility and circulation, reducing stiffness, sciatica, low back pain, stabilizing the low back, improving nerve function, disc issues, nerve compression, constipation, cramping, and reducing inflammation.
Manya basti: Neck basti
This is excellent for pain or stiffness in the head, headaches, numbness and tingling sensations in the face, neck, shoulders, arms, or hands, strengthening the neck, issues with the cervical spine, and whiplash.
60 mins - $160
Snehan is application of herbal oil in a particular pattern with even pressure to nourish, lubricate, tone, and smooth the skin, improve circulation, help the body flush toxins, soothe the nervous system, and calm the mind and heart. Excellent for anxiety, stress, dryness, fluttering heart, circulatory issues, and more.
Oil therapies are contraindicated when ama (metabolic toxins) are present. See **below for details
60 mins - $150
Udvartana is a treatment to promote circulation, dispel dullness and heaviness in the body and mind, reduce obesity and excess weight, and break up cellulite. It uses the application of dry herbs worked into the body tissues to dissolve fat, clarify the skin, and provide firmness to the body.
Dry powder therapies are contraindicated when there is excess dryness and high anxiety and stress
60 mins - $120
The royal milk bath is a treat! This rejuvenating, nourishing, luxurious therapy was designed for pampering the queens of India. Herbal boluses are soaked in warm milk and worked into the body. The herbs used promote glowing skin and the milk deeply soothes any skin irritation and leaves the skin feeling smooth, soft, and radiant. This includes a few minutes face massage at the end. Milk is cooling, so its best done in warmer weather and in the hot summer will help the mind, body, and heart stay cool, calm, and collected.
60 mins - $150
This unique therapy enhances the health and strength of our sense organs, with which we experience life through and which naturally start to break down and decline with age. This proactive sensory health therapy includes the 30 minute facial marma to enhance the health of the eyes, nose, ears and mouth through the facial marmas, as well as:
Herbal eye pads and anti-wrinkle almond oil application under the eyes
Anjana, an herbal eyeliner, applied to the eyes for reducing eye strain, strengthening the eye lashes and eyebrows, and strengthening the vision.
Warm sesame oil (karnapurna) in the ear canal to nourish the nerves and tissues
A drop of herbal oil in the nostrils to promote healthy sinuses, improve memory and vision strength, promote healthy hair follicles and decrease early graying, and reduce pain or tension in the neck and shoulders.
Hasta (hand) and pada (foot) abhyanga (oil application) to rejuvenate our main organs of action, the hands and feet
60 mins - $120
Custom plans for issues like tinnitus, vertigo, joint pains, injury recovery, swelling, varicose veins, grief, tremors, menopause, perimenopause, menstrual issues, vision enhancement, blood pressure regulation, cellulite, stretch marks, weight loss, anxiety, nervous system disorders, and more can be provided with consultation.
**Oil therapies are contraindicated when ama (metabolic toxins) are present. Signs of ama include some or many of: excess weight (obesity), thick white coating on the tongue, lethargy, lack of appetite, delayed digestion, excess salivation, bad breath, and cloudy/white/phlegmy discharges. If you have some or all of these symptoms, a health consultation will help you clear out the metabolic toxins - helping you feel much lighter, brighter, and healthy, and bringing you to a place where the oil treatments won’t further impact the heaviness.
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